Fallopian tube surgery

The function of the Fallopian tubes can be impaired by inflammation or endometriosis.
Inflammation can lead to growth around the Fallopian tube, to narrowing of the Fallopian tube (fimosis) or to blockage of the Fallopian tube (hydrosalpinx). In this last case, the Fallopian tube will often fill with exudate. In cases of severe hydrosalpinx, the interior wall of the Fallopian tube will also be damaged.
Growths can be removed by laser (see also laser laparoscopy), a fimosis can be repaired so that the Fallopian tube is again easily able to receive an egg that is released by the ovary. A blocked Fallopian tube can be opened. The interior wall is then studied. If this is still of good quality, the surgeon will repair the Fallopian tube so that it can again receive an egg and transport this to the uterus. If the interior wall is too badly damaged, there is no point in such an operation. After a short time the Fallopian tube will close up again and in the meantime could lead to an ectopic pregnancy. In such situations, it is therefore often decided in consultation with the woman to remove the Fallopian tube completely.